Practice Areas

Non-Profit and Community Action Agencies

Civic-minded agencies and nonprofits have unique requirements in their creation, day-to-day operations, and regulatory requirements. The attorneys of Duff Freeman Seibert are prepared to assist, in a cost-effective way, to ensure that your organization is set up to function well.

Nonprofit Organizations

Duff Freeman Seibert has represented many non-profit organizations in the areas of higher education, government, and community development. Our attorneys are able to provide legal advice about tax exempt status, including the complex federal regulatory structure required of nonprofit organizations.

Community Action Agencies

Community-based organizations often operate complex programs on a shoestring budget. Our attorneys have experience with drafting and implementing agency policies and governance issues, and the Firm represents our clients on a range of issues, from constitutional questions to employment matters. Our attorneys regularly conduct training seminars and assist organizations in complying with state and federal requirements.